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Child Pornography Cases

Child pornography is a very serious crime that can result in harsh criminal consequences for anyone who possesses, produces or distributes it.  Not only is it a state crime, it is also a federal crime, in which police and prosecutors aggressively pursue charges against those suspected of child pornography.

If you believe you’re being investigated for child porn in Houston, TX, seek qualified legal counsel immediately.  Your rights are at stake. Contact Attorney Joseph Gagliardi anytime of the day or night for immediate assistance at 713-224-6277.

What Actions Constitute Child Pornography?

Child Pornography charges can be pursued for a variety of different reasons.  Houston lawyer for Child Pornography

A person is considered to be producing child pornography if they create any visual image (photo, video, etc.) of a child under the age of 18 engaging in sexual activity.

A person can be investigated if they intentionally possess or view indecent images of a child under the age of 18 engaging in sexual conduct.  This includes having pornographic images on a personal computer or accessing them online.

In addition to simple possession charges, distributing child pornography can result in more severe penalties than just possession alone.

Penalties: Child Pornography

Determining the legal consequences of child pornography charges is extremely complicated. It is both a state crime in Texas as well as a federal crime, and possible prison sentences and monetary fines vary depending on the scope of what has occurred and how many related prior convictions a person has.

If you are found guilty of a first child pornography offense, under federal law you will be facing a minimum 15-30 years in a federal prison plus fines.  As with other sex-related crimes, if you are convicted, you will also be required to register as a sex offender.

Attorney Gagliardi Will Fight For Your Rights

If you find yourself in a situation where you’ve allegedly been involved in child pornography, you need to seek the guidance of an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately.  The implications of being under suspicion are not only embarrassing, they may also result in the destruction of personal relationships, job loss, professional license revocation and other devastating consequences.

For a FREE, no obligation consultation, pick up the phone and call experienced criminal defense Attorney Joseph Gagliardi right now at 713-224-6277.  You will be treated with respect and dignity while he works to protect your future.

Child Pornography Possession Cases

The Gagliardi Law Firm, PLLC